Islamic Widget

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tadarus & Tadabbur

"hamzah..dah bape juz??"

"aku?? sikit jer.. ada la 19 juz..ngko??"

mirul:"ana sikit gak,,40-15 jer.."


"teman maleh nk kejor kome ni..."

mirul:loh,kite bukan nye main kejar2.. bukan ke Allah kata tentang keutamaan tadarus bulan ramadhan..?

meor: "ate memg ler,,tapi better dr teman phm mende yg Kitabullah nk sampaikn dr ana bc melulu tnpa melihat makna.."

hamzah: "eh,betui gak dak,, aku pun rase terpukul lak..."

mirul: "xpela,,camtu kite tdrus sesame smbil tdbbur sok pg. amacam??

meor: "ha bguih jgn hg p smabg tido udah le."

hamzah: " xpe ,kite kasi rotan same dye!"hehe..

Buah Dari Ramadhan??



what will you do if you remember
your family????

ade penah terase x nak balik rumah??sebab xnak sakitkan hati umi ayah?

why??this happen?

ramadhan pernuh berkat kan???

fasa 1- rahmat.

sume bende yg kite buat kite rase senang n mudah...
Sayang nye Allah pd kite...

fasa 2-maghfirah(keampunan)

yg ni kene mintak pada Allah Ya Ghaffur,Ya Tawwab,Ya 'Afuww
kite kan hamba,,mesti banyak sgt bende yg kite buat salah.. nk cari yg betul pun rase mcm xde...

fasa 3-menjauhi api neraka

siapa sanggup masuk neraka??
sume x angkat tgn. takut. ye ke??
yg pasti sume org nk masuk jannah Allah...
kite kene istiqamah dlm menunaikan segala amalan kite,,
gunakan peluang yg Allah peruntukkan pd kite sebaiknye,,
ape peluang2 tu?
-lailatul qadr
-amalan sunat lain-mengutamakan tadarus
dan macam2 lagi

so,ape lagi kite kene rebut sume tu...
moh kite pakat muhasabah diri,tingkatkan iman
dan berazam u dptkn lailatul qadr!!
ia lebih baik dr 1000 bulan= umur kite 83tahun x silap..
lame tu...
jangan tunggu durian runtuh,,atau khabar berita dr langit,,
tapi kite kene strive!!to achieve Mardhatillah...

izan,,bile balik kampung or balik rumah,,bukan kite je yg nk buat baik,,
bgun thjud,,,masak,,kemas umah,,keluar buat prgrame,,
tp kite kene ajak yg lain juga u berbuat kebaikan

fastabiqul khairat...inilah buah2 dan putik2 yg bakal diperoleh dr Ramadhan buat bekalan kite untuk bertemu Ramadhan yg akan dtg...

buatlah yang terbaik,,,pada semua anak2 moga kitalah yg dpt menghantar hadiah pd ibu dan ayh tatkala pemergian mereka nanti...
ummi,ayah...tunggu kepulangan anakmu!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Qalbi NuR


do you know bout your soul??
there is various dimensions of our soul:

1) Ruh(spirit)
2) Al-Nafs(soul)
3) Al-'aql(reason)
4) Al- Qulb(heart)

every people looks like same but in their heart only Allah know..
what Allah mention in the verse 46 surah al-Hajj:

"It,s not the eyes that are blind, but the hearts"

what do you do to know the status of your heart??

" surely there is a piece of flesh in the body, if it is purified,then the whole body is purified. if it is polluted, the whole body get polluted also. that is our beloved Prophet PBUH said :

dear my beloved ummah,,
Allah had mention that we are the best Ummah,,
so,let us try to be the best..dont let your heart block from the Nur that allah gave to us... it is very special for us to enlighten the whole life,,that is Islam and Iman...
when you claimed Syahadah,,not only give your trust in Him but,, we must strive and hold our hand against the enemy...even the unseen or ghaib.

but before we can defeat them,,we must have the ability to control the faculties in our soul that are knowledge, anger , desire and justice. always be in the middle or moderate neither excess nor deficiency. so,,we can apply the concept of equilibrium in ourself.

try to build a new character according to divine guidance..which is quran and sunnah..
therefore,,i have some tips to achieve the good character...which is i had learned in Islamic Ethics..
1) by nature - divine gift from Allah from the time of birth (bi tabi'i wal fitra)
2) by mortification(mujahadah) and self-training(riyadhah) and habituation(i'tiyad)
- taking pains to perform those actions which proceed from good character until they become habitual and pleasant.
3)by association
- by observing good people and mix with them.
-therefore, direct or indirectly,you can train yourself to be just like them. and that is why our mother/umi told us to find a good friend. is it right? from that,,if we have the basic,,we can also apply the principle to our children or our members of family for having a good character in line with the syariah... and of course,,make our beloved Prophet SAW/PBUH as our perfect example..

according to al-Ghazali, first step to correct the evil character is to create an awareness in man of his evil traits present in himself.
there are 4 method:
1) keep company with a spiritual guide(syaikh)..em kalo 'syeikh kite' tu pun bgus..hehe
2) ask a truthful , pious friend
3) gain the knowledge of one's defect from an enemy
4) mix with people and to describe to oneself the defects one sees in them.

subhanallah...what is being told by one of the greatest thinkers and reformers in the history of Islam should we apply them..this can show the ornament of Islam through ourself if we successfully achieve it...if we already do all the things,,we must have a strong faith with Allah and ask for the istiqamah from Him. let us recite this doa together.
يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلوبنا على دينك وطاعتك

so,,my beloved friend,sahabat,
i guess all of us,,dream to meet Allah ,right?if we don't want to meet Him, of course we meet the maut first and we will be having Yaum Al Qiyamah..
so,let us give the best amalan and set our niah to do an action only for His blessing and His pleasure..Mardhatillah.. wallahua'lam..


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

keMbaRa alam>>

First time naik benda ni.. ya Allah,,xtau la
Smpai spnjg perjalanan ana asyik tersenyum…
X bley nk katup mulut ni..sebab angin masuk byk sgt..sejuk muke teman..
Rase malu sgt,,x sgka sgt akan naik benda ni..
Teringat kata2 umi..
“Jgn naik,,satu keluarga jgn naik!”
Hehe,,even abg ana yg ada lessen pun x bley naik,,apatah lagi ana..
Nsb baik ana ada pakai seluar time tu..
Pkai benda atas kepala tu pun x reti..
Nsib org x ramai.. kalo x ana xkan naik punye la..
Pepun hr yg penuh dgn kebahagian,,
Pg ade discussion,,then direct kene g pj,, pehtu dpt call,,jom g prgrm motivasi..
Time nk g tempat tula ana naik benda ni..
Tp before that,,ana xde kwn u ke prgrm lg satu kat pj..sedih n keliru dan x beraninye nk g Alhamdulillah dikurniakan sahabat2 yg amat memahami…so,barakallahulakuma ya sahabati long J n clah.. seandainye ucu pergi dahulu maafkan diri ini ye..asif ambil waktu kome berdua..sedih plak,,hehe bukan pe tgh duk dgr lagu kematian fareast ni..
Time ana naik bende tu,,ana takut+gembira…takut mati time tu,,n gembira sebab first time naik.. tp syukur Alhamdulillah usia ku di panjgkn Allah…
Conclusion nye..ana naik sume jenis transport hr tu…
Kereta bas
Train motor
Jd,,,masa itu amat berharga,,setiap detik amat bermakna,, hargailah ia,,kerana ia tersimpan sejuta rahsia…yg mana kalau kita hitung masa itu mgkin x terhitung,,masih lg x sempat nk buat itu nk buat ini,,kenapa ye??sebab kita ni manusia. Tp kita kene jd khalifah. Jdlah raja dlm diri,,jgn biar hawa nafsu bermaharajalela..kelak binasa..

Ape lg ana dpt,,hikmah kembara…subhanallah…dpt berkenalan dgn org2 baru yg bermcm perangai..dpt teguhkan iman ini,,melatih skill ku,,n plg pentg ilmu..

من أراد الدنيا فعليه بالعلم
ومن أراد الأخرة فعليه بالعلم
ومن أرادهما فعليه بالعلم

Monday, August 09, 2010

salam ramadhan...

ana dan nabiha..
bru hbis kelas sempat lgi buka tenet ni..mane taknye
dh dftr tenet tp xdpt,,
so kempunan...
ada hikmah nye tu...yedak?
kata2 aluan dr nabiha: i.allah anak bulan akan kelihatan...bimunasabah ramadhan kareem,,
ramadhan,,kau dtg ku nanti2,
x sbr ku kaut mutiara dan permata berharga..
ya ramadhan,,andainye kite x berjumpa,,biha,,oo biha
n sume shbt fkir2kn apakh esok ada dan pasti u kite..
moga thabat dlm perjuangan mutlak ini...
pantun...biha:;"jom buat pantun..."
roti sudah ku beli,
buat sahur di pg hari,
emm,,ape lg idea..
menanti ramadhan lg 2 hari,
ape lgi, cepat2la siapkan diri..
agar malam rmdhn berseri2..
dan dgn rendah hati
salam ku beri..
nukilan~nabiha head
ita assistant ~ aka nabita

maGhfiRah MU...

maGhfiRah MU...

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